FRC Team 1923's off-season event.
Are you ready for the Mayhem?!

We're ready for the Mayhem. Are you?
On June 22, 2019 - FRC Team 1923: The MidKnight Inventors will be hosting the seventh year of their off-season competition. We'll be playing the 2019 FIRST Robotics Game, Destination: Deep Space, Presented by the Boeing Company! If you haven't seen this game before, take a look at the video here.
Any questions for the MidKnight Mayhem committee can be entered on the Contact page. You'll find the map of the school's location there as well.
Event Agenda:
Friday 6/21:
Load in 5-8pm for teams.
Connection tests / practice matches TBD based on field readiness.
Saturday 6/22:
8am: Doors Open to teams
8:45am: Opening Ceremonies
9:00am-12:30pm: Qualifying Matches
12:45pm: Alliance Selections
2:00pm-4:30pm: Elimination Rounds
5pm: Closing Ceremonies
MAYHEM RULE: The Mayhem Hatch
In the qualification rounds, any ALLIANCE that successfully scores three or more HATCHES
anywhere during the SANDSTORM PERIOD will receive a MAYHEM HATCH that may be entered
into play through their FEEDER STATIONS. When scored on a ROCKET, the MAYHEM HATCH
will complete any missing scoring objectives on the level it is scored on - totaling two CARGO
and two HATCHES, regardless of what is actually scored on the level.
The MAYHEM HATCH may be scored on the CARGO SHIP but will be considered a normal
HATCH for scoring purposes. A ROBOT capable of picking up HATCHES may use a fallen
MAYHEM HATCH from the other ALLIANCE on their own rocket. A ROBOT that de-scores an
opposing ALLIANCE's scored MAYHEM HATCH will accrue four <G5> penalties.
The intent of this rule is to provide an easier avenue to earn the ROCKET Ranking Point for
ALLIANCES that can work together to complete a challenging SANDSTORM task.
We do not currently have a set date for MidKnight Mayhem 2020, given the current global situation. We will be adhering to guidelines from federal & state governments, as well as FIRST Mid-Atlantic's guidance, on when it will be safe to resume our off-season tournament. We appreciate your support and love for MKM and hope to see you soon. For any questions, please email our team advisor, Libby Kamen - libby.kamen@wwprsd.org.